On June 3, 2015, Bob Dremluk was invited to serve on the Bankruptcy & Corporate Reorganization Committee of the New York City Bar Association for a term beginning September 2015 and ending August 2018 (Class of 2018). This Committee is one of the most sought after committees within the New York City Bar Association and its members are among the top bankruptcy lawyers in New York. This selection gives Bob a wonderful opportunity to help shape law and public policy, network with colleagues, and help the public and the profession. As a committee member, Bob will have the opportunity to be involved in drafting reports, commenting and testifying on legislation, submitting briefs, sponsoring continuing legal education and other programs and participating in public service projects.
Robert Dremluk is a partner in the New York office of Culhane Meadows, practicing in the areas of litigation, finance, bankruptcy, and creditors’ rights. His work focuses on diverse interests in federal and bankruptcy court litigation and advice and risk assessment regarding transactional matters, including asset purchases, structured finance transactions, real estate workouts, foreclosures, and purchases and sales of distressed assets.